Sunday, February 3

sometimes when you seriously just want to be friends, people may think otherwise. people can find all sorts of excuses to reject you when they are actually free. owell. uncle huat told me, feelings cannot be controlled you know. but seriously why not? i alr drew a very clear line with people. or maybe what uncle huat said might be true. cos you wouldnt know when your feelings have deepened. but there's sth called suppressing your feelings. ahhh, whatever.

i seriously shouldnt be so affected by it.

i should be studying today. :(

but sister ivan couldnt make it cos he clubbed till late night yesterday. idiot. it's ok. sister ivan should slp more.

i rented a car. :) but my mum's forbidding me to drive alone. wth. she thinks that i drive recklessly which apparently i dont think it's that bad seriously. lol. she's just overly paranoid la. haha.

cny's next week, can u people believe it? time passes really quickly. omg. and after cny, valentine's coming, and after valentine, a few months later, exams are coming! shit. sigh. i need a date. lol. :(

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