Wednesday, August 29
Tuesday, August 14
Life's getting boring each day, nothing much to do nowadays. Btw, Lakz just fell asleep on my lap, and when I put him on his pillow, he woke up, saw me not beside him and walk to the room I'm in. I guess he wants to sleep on my lap. How sweet. :)
Lakz is part of my life already. Can't imagine the day without him. :(
He's growing bigger, or I should say fatter each day? Lol. Have to control his diet, don't want him to be overweight.
Come to think of it, cos of Lakz, I've sort of overcame my fears for small dogs only. I'm still quite afraid of big dogs though. I still remember the day when I was secondary 3. I've got stitches on my forehead cos of these 3 big dogs, moreover, they were on leash. They were actually my teacher's pet, we had a barbacue at my teacher's place, so KT knows that I'm afraid of dogs, yet he asked my teacher John Lee to show them their dogs, when I came back from the playground, saw the dogs, I ran like crazy and bang my head against my teacher's metal gate. Had never ever been so dumb.
It's an irony that I am having Lakz on my lap now. I hope he gets his 3rd vaccination soon, so that I can bring him out for walks!
Anyway, congrats to Michelle! She's working in Mediacorp now! Cool. :)
I had Econs Lecture today, my lecturer's a funny man. He was telling us about this utility thingy, and utility refers to the satisfaction a consumer has in buying a good. So there's this marginal utility whereby it's and individual's satisfaction. He used the example of a relationship. In a relationship, on the first date, marginal utility will be quite high, no matter how late the gf is, the bf will wait. But on subsequent dates, marginal utility starts to decrease, cos it's getting boring. Hence, marginal utility will decrease with the same increasing goods. Lol. He's damn crappy but true. Lol.
Owell, I should stop here. :)
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5:32:00 PM
Tuesday, August 7
Realising that it's quite meaningless to blog these few days, therefore, was missing for awhile. Had been busy with Lakz and school. School was fine, made new friends, of course!
Was feeling damn bored today, so decided to cam-whore with my specs and go about editing some of my pictures. Hence, decided to share it here. Lol.
Editing pictures really makes a big difference in the quality of the pic. Too bad, I don't have photoshop, I can only edit it with my phone. Damn.
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6:11:00 PM
Wednesday, August 1
Settling down
Been rather busy these few days, hence, not updating lately. So, what the hell am I busy with? Hmmm, with school, with work, and with my little new creation, Lakz. Yes! I finally bought a pup with bi, or should I just say bi finally bought a pup FOR me. Lol. It's neither a spitz nor a chin, it's a silky terrier! I find it rather expensive though. Bought from a Pet shop at 4 Kim Keat Lane Puppy Island. Sold at 850bucks. It's 2 months old and of course I took pictures of it.
Ok, back to the topic, such coincidence, its birthday is the same date as my dad! Lol, both born on 28th May. I didn't know he was born on 28th May until I went home and read his cert. He's so cute! Love him to bits!
Lakz has skin problems(dandruffs) and puppy rash. Before we bought him, he has it already. The owner, Paul was honest to let us know that he has skin disease and takes awhile to be alright.
However, yesterday, Lakz kept scratching and shaking his body and his dandruffs worsened. So we called Paul, and he told us to bring him down to the Pet Shop. They applied medication on it. On the car back home, he was sleeping in the shoe box.
Falling asleep.
He was sleeping on my sister's tummy at first, and my sister went like my tummy's that soft and comfy? Lol. So I showed her that Lakz would sleep on my tummy too.
O NO! Think I'm becoming a dog slave, he's like our son though.
School in SIM started on Monday, lectures were boring as usual. Yesterday, bi and me were late for Econs Lecture, and we had no choice but to take the front seats. I think the lecturer was out to humiliate us, cos' in front of the whole group, he told us to go get notes from the admin people. Lan lan, in the end, got to walk out to get notes. I was super malu. Also, he's like, see, if you don't come for lecture or be punctual for lectures, you will miss out alot. Blah blah blah. Dumb asshole. Ok, I'm being evil. He's not that bad. Ha.
Tutoring again later! Boo!
Oya, on monday, I had my first driving lesson! Think the instructor likes me, he told me he's going to teach me again the next lesson and asked me when's my next lesson. Cool! Was a little nervous at first, but after getting the hang of it, was so fun! And the instructor was like, easy right? Lol.
Shall update again!
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7:34:00 AM